

Los Angeles Trees
in Annual German Exhibition
December 26, 2020 – January 3, 2021

Galerie Born’s annual winter group show, which is available for private viewing by appointment, presents two paintings from Lucas Reiner’s Los Angeles Trees series. Taking a retrospective look over the past year and ahead to the new one, this exhibition features works by a select group of painters (including BieneFeld, Uwe Kowski, and Thomas Müller) in an intimate gallery space located in Darss, in Western Pomerania on a forested peninsula in northeastern Germany near the southern Baltic Sea coast.

Exhibition in Germany Highlighting the Natural World
Features Recent Paintings by Lucas Reiner
September 15 – November 15, 2020

Kunstmuseum Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen, a contemporary art museum in Magdeburg, Germany, has featured five paintings by Lucas Reiner in a group exhibition titled “NAH & FERN – Steine, Fische, Wege, Blumen, Wolken” (“NEAR & FAR – Stones, fish, paths, flowers, clouds”), which opened September 15 and runs through November 15, 2020. This exhibition also includes works in various mediums by four other contemporary artists: Inken Hemsen, Dietrich Oltmanns, Carl Vetter, and Jeffrey Yang.

Bridge Projects, Los Angeles
Online Event | July 16, 2020

Often depicting trees in atmospheric settings, Lucas Reiner’s paintings and prints drift between representational work and more abstract, symbolic images. It’s an ambiguity that emerges both from his traditional printmaking methods and also the artist’s ongoing dialogue with religious art of the past and an obsessive search for a new visual language that might translate it into the present. The artist will discuss Stations, a series based on the ancient Catholic prayer practice known as the Stations of the Cross, as well as other works.

“Drive-By-Art (Public Art In This Moment of Social Distancing)”
Organized by Warren Neidich, Renee Petropoulos, Michael Slenske and Anuradha Vikram
May 30 – 31, 2020

Drive-By-Art is an attempt to bring back a sense of solidarity to the artistic and cultural community in Los Angeles during these dark times. Drive-By-Art offers a novel presentation and art viewing approach by taking advantage of the city’s pre-existing car culture and the intimacy and safety of the automobile. This public art experience is a call to action in a moment of economic, social, political, and spiritual catatonia, and an attempt to envision a different kind of cultural institution.