THE STATIONS (2008-2018): Following a traditional medieval devotional narrative that recounts Christ’s ultimate passage through death to redemption, the Stations culminates a project that was initiated in response to an invitation to produce a Stations of the Cross for St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C. In the wake of my mother’s death in 2008, over a period of seven years I produced a series of watercolor studies, fifteen dry point etchings, and fifteen large-scale, chromatically variegated canvasses, each of which is comprised of multiple layers of raw tempera pigment, marble dust, dispersion, water and wax resulting in a subtle luminosity that rises to meet the viewer’s gaze at the painting surface. Offering a contemporary contemplative visual space to reflect on the timeless path of transformation, the Stations paintings transcend religious affiliation to embrace an expanded vision of empathy in peaceful accord with nature, engaging the profound capacity of art to embody a universal human longing to comprehend suffering, loss, and the passage of time.